''we are who we believe we are''
- C. S. Lewis

”New Attitude”, July, 2022, Lithuania

It was a transformative, resource-focused one week program, in which we explored different ways to keep the work-life balance and in this way minimise the risk of burnout.

The retreat was a part of a 2 year Strategic Partnership Project ”All About the Burnout” between 3 organisations: EPIONE (Lithuania); Level UP (Poland) and Well-being LAB (Sweden).

The aim of the project is to enrich social and healthcare workers as well as educators with the tools to tackle and prevent burnout, keep their motivation and create a better work-life balance.

During the retreat participants:

  • Learnt various tools and practices for every daily life to prevent burnout; 
  • Explored how they can bring the aspect of personal development into their work;
  • Explored their connection with nature and what can they learn from nature and implement the learnings in their journeys;

”You are Welcomed”, April, 2022, Sweden

”A couple of days after coming back from the youth exchange “You are WELLcomed”, while I was walking alone, I realized that I was smiling and feeling so much joy in my heart. This experience has been so precious so I would love to share with you what I learned.

I applied because I was interested in mindfulness and I wanted to learn a bit more, but I didn’t expect to discover and explore so many different topics that are interconnected with the idea of awareness and beingpresent. I truly believe that this project is a seed for each of us to develop ourselves, not only to grow as a person but also as active citizens supporting the causes that we are sensitive with”.

– Laura Glez-

Well-being Facilitators Retreat, Radhe Resort, Hungary, February 2022

”I attended Karolina’s retreat which was focusing on releasing. The schedule was set so professionally, we did different kinds of meditations, releasing sessions, lost part constellation, and even games which improve empathy and tolerance and helped us open up. Every single practice was extremely powerful and effective. Though we did a lot of inner work it felt so easy and natural as we laughed a lot. She is such an authentic and loving person, she cared about us so much, both as individuals and also as a group, I felt super safe during our whole retreat. I am definitely going to join her other retreats in the future.

– Gabriella Aczel-


2022 Vision Setting Retreat in Denmark was a weekend filled with laughter, tears, recovering lost parts of ourselves, releasing beliefs and life patterns that no longer serve us, breath work, cacao ceremony, sound healing, winter bathing in the sea, morning yoga, free flow dancing and so much beautiful collective sharing and healing. 

Stay tuned: The Vision Setting Retreat in January 2023 was held in Norway. 

”I met Karolina in one of the Erasmus projects she organized. I have been suffering from anxiety attacks from the age of 7. During the project I closely participated with Karolina, after experiencing some episodes of anxiety in her presence, she offered to help me with the online healing session. Karolina has transmitted me nothing but peace and serenity every time I was around her so, I couldn’t help but believe with all my heart she would be able to help me. During our healing session she had a vision of a traumatic happening I experienced as if she could have visited that time of my life. Everything she described made me open my heart immediately, as I kept on finding my traumas and pains while revisiting that place. The affirmations we repeated together gave me a healing relief that I had been waiting for years. I felt much lighter, more hopeful, forgiven towards my parents…and I feel more and more that I am closer to my journey of, as she would say, ‘living from my soul’. Thank you Karolina for so altruistically impacting my life in such a positive way!”
– Jaqueline Menezes
Brasil/the Netherlands

Seeds of Connection Retreat, Lithuania, November 2021

28 change-makers from Lithuania, Romania, Hungary, Sweden, Ukraine and The Netherlands gathered for 8 days to re-connect with their hearts and one another, to re-discover their path in life, to connect with nature and to explore how we can create and develop our communities from a perspective of wholeness and inclusiveness.

Bonfires, cold baths in the lake, cacao ceremony, meditations, wonders in nature, dance mandala, lots and lots of personal and spiritual transformations and healing.




     Wholebeing Retreat Sweden October, 2021

”Wholebeing” retreat for Changemaker’s from Romania, Moldova and Poland was a week filled with laughter, Swedish hot tub adventures, swimming under the moon light in the cold lake, kayaking, cacao ceremony, exploration on how we can bring more wellbeing for our heart, mind, should and body, mindful eating, silent morning, phone oasis to help people digitally detox and many more highlights.

EmpathyXchange, Germany, October 2022

Co-facilitated ”ChangemakerXchange” retreat. One week filled with joy, laughter, collaborations, co-creation, empathy, changemakers from all over Europe.

Moments like this gives me energy, inspiration and lots of hope for humanity to grow and develop in an empathy based way, – grounded in nourishment for oneself while caring for others and Planet Earth.