''To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don't need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.''

- Thich Nhat Hanh

This transformative 6-month (150 hours) training program delves into various dimensions of well-being, ranging from physical and mental health to social connection, emotional resilience, and purposeful living.
It offers a comprehensive blend of online and offline training, along with practical facilitation practice both on-site and online. Upon finishing the training, you will receive a certification and be included in ”Well-being LAB” Global Facilitators Pool.

This is a personalised one-on-one program. The enrolment is on on-going basis as long as I have the capacity to take new students on.






This training is for individuals who aspire to:

  1. Facilitate Retreats and Well-being Events: Develop the skills and knowledge required to lead well-being events, retreats, and training courses. Learn the art of creating transformative experiences that promote personal growth and holistic well-being.

2. Cultivate a sustainable business: Discover your personal strengths as a facilitator and learn how to transform your passion into a fulfilling and successful career.

3. Overcome Inner Mind Blocks: Uncover and release inner mind blocks such as limiting beliefs and unhealthy life patterns that hinder personal growth and prevent you from embracing your full potential.

4. Collaborate and co-create: By completing the program, you will gain exclusive access to the Well-being LAB’s Global Facilitators Pool. Collaborate with like-minded facilitators and co-create life-changing events that make a positive impact worldwide.

”I participated in Karolina’s Well-being Facilitator’s Training – which was very different from what I expected and how usually these kind of trainings are. 🙏Thanks to Karolina I healed plenty of my traumas, understood the patterns which are holding me back and most of all I learned that I don’t need anyone teaching me exact training tools, activities, etc. because it is all within us if we are able to reach our inherent capacities.
Now I became a confident trainer and facilitator with my own unique style and knowledge – as Karolina herself is.

Practicalities about this training which I particularly liked is that over this year we has 2 retreats in person which helped us to connect and there was a week where we could work with Karolina as facilitators.
I’d recommend this training and her healing practice deeply from my ♥!”


Eszter Szabo

Mindfulness and Wellbeing Teacher at Mindfulnesster


Here is an overview of the program’s structure and the support you can expect throughout your journey:

  1. Four Modules: The course is divided into four modules, each comprising four live online classes. These interactive classes, spanning two hours each, offer a rich learning experience. In addition to the classes, you will have assigned homework, readings, and practical tasks to deepen your understanding and apply your knowledge.

    2. Practical Co-Facilitation: As part of the training, you will have the opportunity to co-facilitate events alongside me. These practical co-facilitation opportunities are not only valuable learning experiences but also paid opportunities for you. You will be invited to participate in at least one event within a one-year period, allowing you to apply your newfound skills and gain real-world experience. 

    4. Personalised Classes: all the classes are adopted to each student, the needs, challenges and aspirations my student faces. After our initial conversation, the Program will be personalised for you

    5. Ongoing Feedback and Support: Throughout the program, you will benefit from ongoing feedback and support. I will be available to address your questions, provide additional resources, and offer guidance to ensure your continued growth and progress.

”I joined a Wellbeing Facilitators 1 year course with Karolina and it was great! I loved that we started with our inner work and had retreats in person during the year so we could also see our progress and work hands on with each other. So the course gave me not only theoretical but also practical knowledge and practice during smaller and bigger events. Karolina is professional, pays attention to the needs of a group and delivers a real value. Thank you so much!”
Milda Dapkeviciute
CEO and founder of Unfolded, Co-founder of Pandomes Hotel


This 150 h certificate program will include 32h online classes, 68 h onsite facilitation, 50 h homework and preparation for classes spread over 6 months period


Module 1: Releasing Your Mind Blocks

I believe that to become effective facilitators, it is essential to embark on a personal journey of self-discovery and growth.

You will delve into understanding yourself better, exploring your values, identity, and desires. The primary focus will be on identifying and releasing the inner blocks that hinder your potential and prevent you from living your dream life. These blocks may include limiting beliefs, unhealthy life patterns, past traumas, and ancestral beliefs.

By investing in yourself and understanding your own inner landscape,  you will be better equipped to guide and support others on their path to well-being. This module will empower you to create an authentic connection with yourself and build a solid foundation from which you can help others thrive.


Module 2: Discovering Your Unique Facilitation Style

Building upon the self-understanding gained in Module 1, we now inquire into who you aspire to be as a facilitator and how you can showcase your unique qualities.

This module goes beyond learning the practical aspects of running, structuring, and facilitating well-being events. While you acquire knowledge of content, tools, and methodologies for both offline and online facilitation, our main focus lies in creating your personal brand as a facilitator.

Module 2 empowers you to cultivate your personal brand as a facilitator, allowing you to create a meaningful and impactful presence in the well-being field. 

As you develop your unique facilitation style, you enhance your ability to connect with participants, deliver transformative experiences, and build a sustainable business that aligns with your authentic self.

Module 3: Strengthening Your Facilitation Work

Module 3 is designed to provide practical and experiential learning opportunities. In this module, we dive into the practical application of various facilitation tools, theories, content, and methodologies.

This hands-on approach allows you to put your knowledge into action and gain real-world experience. As part of the module, you will have the opportunity to co-facilitate with me at least once during a one-year period. 

By actively engaging in practical facilitation experiences, you will deepen and refine your facilitation skills. This will allow you to integrate theory with practice, build confidence in your abilities, and strengthen your facilitation work. 

Module 3 serves as a significant stepping stone toward becoming a proficient and impactful well-being facilitator.


Module 4: Living a balanced and wealthy life as a facilitator

During this module, we will delve into the limiting beliefs and barriers that hinder your financial growth and success. By addressing and releasing these blocks, we create space for abundance and prosperity to flow into your life. We will cultivate a mindset of abundance, aligning your thoughts, beliefs, and actions with your desired financial outcomes.

Additionally, this module serves as a time for planning and strategizing. Together we will explore how to create a sustainable business model for you, ensuring long-term success and fulfillment. 

Through thoughtful consideration and practical steps, we will chart a course for your future, integrating your passion for facilitation with a sound financial foundation.

This module completes your training journey, equipping you with the tools and mindset necessary to flourish both personally and professionally as a facilitator.

Program Schedule


Once you sign up for the program, we will schedule the classes based on our ability and what feels right for your personal journey. All live sessions will be recorded and send for you, if you wish to rewatch it.


Learning Platform


ZOOM:The live portion of the certificate program will be offered online using the video conferencing platform Zoom, in meeting format.

After each session, a recording will be made available within 24 hours of it; 

I will send you supporting materials such as PDFs of the reading material, presentations, facilitation toolkits; homework, readings;


Required readings will be available freely online or in PDF format;
Recommended readings are optional and for futher exploration. They may include books, online articles etc;


Once you complete the requirements below, you will receive a Well-being Facilitators Certificate from The Wellbeing Lab. The requirements to receive the Certificate are:

Attend the live sessions;

Complete 68 hours onsite facilitation. Each student will be invited individually based on the unique facilitation profile and interests; 

Full payment has been received;


Registration/Sign up/Tuition


Ready to embark on a transformative journey towards becoming a certified Well-being Facilitator? Enrolling is as easy as 1-2-3!

1️⃣ Sign Up: Complete a short application form and share a brief description of your motivation for becoming a Well-being Facilitator. Tell me what drives you, inspires you, and why you are eager to make a positive impact in the lives of others.

2️⃣ Application Review: Once I receive your application, I will carefully review it to ensure that this program aligns with your goals and aspirations. 

3️⃣ Payment Details: If I feel that I can support your journey and needs, I will send you an email with all the payment details. Payment plan can be tailored to your financial situation, ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder your journey.


Supported Access

Fair Access

For those who feel that would truly benefit from this program, but have limited financial resources. 

3000 EUR

For those with sufficient financial resources and who can pay the fair value of the program.

4000 EUR