''You have been worthy of love and prosperity all along''





Welcome! I am here to support you in releasing what’s holding you back from living and creating a life of your dreams.           

Every person is unique, every journey is different. As a result, each private session I conduct is tailored to the specific needs of the person I am assisting.


 During the session, we focus on identifying and releasing the inner blocks that hinder your potential and prevent you to receive more love, wealth, peace of mind.

Through gentle and yet powerful exercises, you will be able to let go of:

Self limiting thoughts, beliefs, behaviours, old stories that tell you to show up less

Fears and self-doubts that are getting in your way

Emotional and energetic blocks 

By letting go the inner blocks, you create more space to manifest love, financial abundance, your dream career – whatever your heart desires to attract into your life.   

Get ready to live a life you have been worthy of all along!

Length: 2 h

Price: 333 EUR



In my sessions, I integrate the wisdom and insights I have acquired through my travels and self-healing journey:

The Buddhist monks in Thailand have taught me meditation and mindfulness. 

From an indigenous community from Peru, I have learnt about The Medicine Wheel (if we understand how each season impacts us, we can align our work and life to the cycles of nature).

 Balinese rituals have revealed to me the power of sacred ceremonies and their ability to foster meaningful connections to ourselves and others.  

Meditations from Sri Lanka have provided me with a deeper understanding of inner stillness and tranquility.

My teacher from New Zealand has taught me regression therapy.


What others say about working with me:

”I met Karolina just when I got back to Sweden at an expat meet up. I was very curious about her ability to help people release fears and anxieties. That moment I already knew I was struggling with some minor issues but when we had the first session she revealed even further thoughts and anxieties I already tried to forget. Just a few days after I felt easier with life, people that stressed me out and I was definitely more happy with myself in general . I somehow learned to be more forgiving and to stand up for my beliefs and feelings. Karolina has a caring soul and gives you the feeling of a save environment where you can share your thoughts freely without any judgement. I hope this was not the last time our paths crossed. 🥰 Thank you!”

– Amrei-

“I was fortunate to have a healing session with Karolina. I was amazed at her clear intuitive connection and ability to pinpoint the most important life subjects for me to work on. I definitely feel a positive change in me since the session. I recommend her warmly.”
– Christian Marcus – 
“I felt at peace in a way I can’t remember ever feeling before. It was a beautiful and energising feeling. I learnt something from myself that I can’t put in words, it needed to be experienced. Thank you”
– Per-Erik Persson – 
“There was a point in my life when I just couldn’t hold an overwhelming chaos in my head. Every day I woke up as a different me, no clarity, low confidence, high levels of stress in ordinary daily situations, I was acting as somebody else, but not myself. I have already had 2 Releasing sessions online within a month. Karolina helped me to become more conscious, more focused, my head is much calmer, I can understand myself better. Unpleasant memories of past events that kept coming are now securely packed and safely returned back where it belongs. They don’t overcome my thoughts, thus my head feels much more tidy. Actually everyday I feel that I am changing. Step by step. New thoughts are coming, I don’t want to judge people or compare myself with others, now I TRULY understand how unique we all are. It’s so liberating. And actually not just understand that but FEEL it. It’s so much different. Karolina also showed me where my fears are coming from. I got introduced to my limiting beliefs and traumas about which I had no clue. And she helped to release it and heal it. I will definitely come back to Karolina once I feel I need help to release something or simply understand myself deeper. She’s great in leading a journey to your true self. Oh, and her personal life story towards her true self is also worth to listen for. Unbelievably interesting ❤️ I am so grateful to have a spiritual teacher! 🥰 Thank you, Karolina! 🌼
– Greta –